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Umpan Balik Dari Pelanggan Mesin Injeksi Busa Tekanan Rendah Kami

Umpan Balik Dari Pelanggan Mesin Injeksi Busa Tekanan Rendah Kami


Mesin berbusa tekanan rendah poliuretan banyak digunakan dalam produksi berkelanjutan multi-mode produk poliuretan kaku dan semi-kaku, seperti: peralatan petrokimia, pipa yang dikubur langsung, penyimpanan dingin, tangki air, meter dan insulasi termal lainnya dan kerajinan peralatan insulasi suara produk.


Except the products above, low pressure pu foaming machine can also make car seat cushion, our American customer just bought a low pressure foam pouring machine from us, and we are so glad to reveice the feedback from him, anyone who is also interested in this field, welcome to consult us for more details. You can email to queenie@machinepu.com or call 008618915238981, we will answer your questions as soon as possible.

Waktu posting: Nov-12-2021